Today, January 6th, marks the birthday of the world’s most famous consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes! To celebrate, we’re diving into three iconic London locations tied to the enduring legacy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s beloved character. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or a curious visitor, these spots offer a chance to connect with the stories and history of Holmes and his creator.
1. 221B Baker Street
Perhaps the most famous address in detective fiction, 221B Baker Street was the fictional home of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s invention has since been brought to life in the form of the Sherlock Holmes Museum, located at 221B Baker Street in modern-day London.
The museum is a treasure trove of Victorian decor, Holmesian memorabilia, and nods to the detective’s adventures. From the cozy sitting room to Watson’s study, it’s a place where fans can feel like they’ve stepped into the pages of Doyle’s novels.
📍 Visit: Sherlock Holmes Museum
📚 Learn More: 221B Baker Street

2. The Sherlock Holmes Pub
Located where Northumberland Avenue meets Northumberland Street, the Sherlock Holmes Pub is a must-visit for fans of the detective. This charming establishment pays homage to Holmes and Dr. Watson with decor that celebrates their legacy.
The pub is connected to the story of The Hound of the Baskervilles. It stands on the site of the fictional Northumberland Hotel, where Sir Henry Baskerville stayed in London. Here, one of Sir Henry’s boots was mysteriously stolen—a detail central to the story’s suspense.
Inside, visitors will find walls adorned with memorabilia, including photographs from Holmes film adaptations and a bookshelf dedicated to the detective. Upstairs, a brilliant recreation of Holmes’ 221B sitting room offers an atmospheric dining experience.
📍 Visit: Stop by for a pint or just admire the ambiance!

You can visit the pub and some other Holmes-related sites on my self-guided walking tour Let’s All Go Down The Strand – A walk through the West End from the Strand to Covent Garden available for purchase on this site.

3. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
Our final stop is St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, one of London’s oldest medical institutions, dating back to 1123. This historic hospital plays a significant role in Holmesian lore as the setting of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson’s very first meeting in A Study in Scarlet.
The hospital’s chemical lab was the fictional backdrop for their introduction, where Watson first encountered Holmes’s brilliant mind. Doyle’s description of Barts still resonates with fans, and the site has gained further fame as a key filming location for the BBC series Sherlock.
In Sherlock’s second season finale, “The Reichenbach Fall,” Holmes appears to leap to his death from the hospital’s rooftop, mirroring the climactic showdown in Doyle’s “The Final Problem.” The hospital also features prominently in the resolution of Holmes’s faked death in The Empty Hearse.
📍 Visit: Take a walk through the hospital’s inner yards and soak in its rich history.
📚 Quote from A Study in Scarlet:
‘It was familiar ground to me, and I needed no guiding as we ascended the bleak stone staircase and made our way down the long corridor with its vista of whitewashed wall and dun-coloured doors. Near the further end a low arched passage branched away from it and led to the chemical laboratory. This was a lofty chamber, lined and littered with countless bottles. Broad, low tables were scattered about, which bristled with retorts, test-tubes, and little Bunsen lamps, with their blue flickering flames. There was only one student in the room, who was bending over a distant table absorbed in his work. At the sound of our steps he glanced round and sprang to his feet with a cry of pleasure. “I’ve found it! I’ve found it,” he shouted to my companion, running towards us with a test-tube in his hand. “I have found a re-agent which is precipitated by hoemoglobin, and by nothing else.” Had he discovered a gold mine, greater delight could not have shone upon his features. “Dr. Watson, Mr. Sherlock Holmes,” said Stamford, introducing us.‘

These three locations capture the essence of Sherlock Holmes’s London. From the iconic address at Baker Street to the immersive atmosphere of the Sherlock Holmes Pub and the historic significance of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, there’s much to explore for fans of the great detective.
Happy birthday, Mr. Holmes!
Which of these locations have you visited—or which would you like to see? Share your thoughts in the comments below!