Tara J Griffin is a London based storyteller and museum professional working regularly in the mediums of poetry, design, photography, and spoken word. She is also an anthropologist interested in the Pub.
Tara the curator
Tara has a BA in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Kent and an MA in Museum and Gallery Studies from Kingston University, where she excelled in innovative creative practices in heritage landscapes and was awarded the Prize for Outstanding Creative Practice 2019.
So in the eighth episode of “Talks beyond time and place”, we chat about her dissertation project “Pubology”, about “Tara in the museum”/”Tara the curator” and about being employed as a tour guide in Freemasons’ Hall!
Note: Apologies for my frozen screen during some passages in the beginning and the end of the talk
0:00:00 London beyond time and place Intro
0:01:05 Introduction
0:01:57 Which pub would we be sitting in now if we had met in person?
0:03:14 Her latest publication “Eros”
0:05:41 “Tara in the museum”: Can you tell us about your career as a museum professional?
0:13:20 You are the winner of the prize for Outstanding Creative Practice in Museum and Gallery Studies and were awarded for your work on your dissertation project at Kingston University 2020. Can you tell us a bit about your dissertation project “Pubology”?
0:18:21 How the pandemic influenced the project
0:26:37 How to participate in Tara’s project “Pubology” (get in touch via her website or social media)
If you have a story about a pub, any photos of good times in pubs, any stolen pint glasses or ripped beer mats – or just want to tell what the pub means to you, then please get in touch with Tara and become part of her project “Pubology”!
0:28:06 An emotional story from a London pub
0:31:12 You grew up in Camden Town and you cite London as one of your biggest influences and inspirations. In how far has London shaped you and shaped your career?
0:37:20 On your website you say that your aim is to tell the stories of London and Londoners as best you can, to as many people as you can. How exactly do you want to tell the stories?
0:39:27 Tara’s photography works (and skills)
0:43:37 Tara’s poetry – The Pigeon Project, “a poem a day” and more
0:47:30 When did you start writing poetry?
0:53:36 Working at the Museum of Freemasonry and doing the guided tour of the museum and Freemasons’ Hall that can be watched on YouTube
01:00:42 What is Tara going to do next?
01:02:15 Predictions about museums after the lockdown
01:03:52 What is your favourite place in London?
01:06:35 Has dealing with London and its history, its art and its literature changed your view of the city?
01:08:05 Can you name three Londoners that you would have dinner or a drink with?
Website of Museum Professional and Poet Tara J Griffin
Buy Tom Harrisson’s “The Pub and the People” here: The Pub and the People: A Worktown Study (Mass Observation social surveys Book 6) (English Edition)*
“Talks beyond time and place” is a series of online conversations by author Philipp Röttgers of “London beyond time and place“. Philipp and his guests chat about how London influences their lives. In every episode, they cover certain topics, depending on the individual guest. Among his guests are scholars, historians, tour guides and more and the atmosphere feels like a conversation in a pub.
Music by Bryan Kolarczyk

*= affiliate links/advertising links