2024 East End Conference full line up

2024 East End Conference in London2024 East End Conference in London

2024 East End Conference full line up

At this years East End Conference in London I have the honour of giving a talk.

Announcement from the conference organisers:


We are proud to announce that this year’s East End Conference will be held at the Astronomer public house on Middlesex Street in London on 5th & 6th October.

Our speakers (so far) are: Stef Dickers, Steven Keogh, Professor Alastair Owens, Philipp Röttgers and Adam Wood, with one or two additional people yet to be finalised. Our speakers will be presenting a wide-ranging variety of Jack the Ripper and East End themed talks. Bookings are now being taken via our website at www.eastendconference.co.uk You can secure your place by paying either a deposit or the full ticket price. We cannot stress enough how important it is to book early as last year’s event fully sold out; we expect this year to be no different. Book early to avoid disappointment!

As ever, we thank you for your continued support, and look forward to seeing you at the event in October!

From your conference organisers: Karl Coppack, Avvie Cunnington, Andrew Firth, Mark Ripper and Adam Wood.”

Thanks to Karl, Avvie, Andrew, Mark and Adam for having me!

My talk


‘Jack, der Aufschlitzer’: A German Perception of the Ripper Murders From 1888 to Today.

A German Perception of the Ripper Murders from 1888 to Today’ explores how the infamous Jack the Ripper case has been viewed in Germany from its inception to the present day. Beginning with the sensationalized coverage in German media in 1888, the talk examines how the murders were reported in German-speaking regions worldwide. It traces the evolving perceptions of ‘Jack, der Aufschlitzer,’ highlighting the ongoing fascination and recent fictional interpretations. Notably, some German sources differ from the well-known English newspaper accounts, suggesting that digging into German (or any other language) news from 1888 might shed light on certain aspects or even uncover unknown facts. The talk also reflects on how the German perspective has influenced the speaker’s research into the Ripper case and London’s history.

Philipp Röttgers is a German writer, historian and musician in constant search for London’s spirit, either on the streets of London or in conversation with interview guests for his website LONDON BEYOND TIME AND PLACE. Philipp studied English literature and culture. Since he typed ‘Jack the Ripper’ into Google when he was 16, he has been hooked and fascinated by the case. Becoming a Ripperologist was his entrance ticket into London history and psychogeography. Philipp wrote several books. Together with his mother, Dorothee Schröder, he published ‘Jack the Ripper – Die Whitechapel-Morde 1888: Eine Chronologie’ in 2023, one of the very few native German language books written about the Whitechapel Murders by German Ripperologists. In 2024, Philipp became the German agent for American author Bradley Harper and is thus forming his own agency Opera Scriptorium at the time of writing.

PHILIPP RÖTTGERS: ‘Jack, der Aufschlitzer’: A German Perception of the Ripper Murders From 1888 to Today.
PHILIPP RÖTTGERS: ‘Jack, der Aufschlitzer’: A German Perception of the Ripper Murders From 1888 to Today.

East End Conference 2024

Where? At the Astronomer public house on Middlesex Street, London

When? Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th October 2024


Order my new German book “Jack the Ripper – Die Whitechapel-Morde 1888: Eine Chronologie” here:

Walks beyond time and place

Title photo: Philipp Röttgers

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