Lesung: Philipp Röttgers & Dorothee Schröder: “Jack the Ripper – Die Whitechapel-Morde 1888: Eine Chronologie“ Wo? Im Pub “The New Crown Iserlohn“ Wann? Donnerstag, 31.08.2023 Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Beginn: 20
Tag: Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper – Die Whitechapel-Morde 1888: Eine Chronologie (2023)Jack the Ripper – Die Whitechapel-Morde 1888: Eine Chronologie (2023)
von Philipp Röttgers & Dorothee Schröder »Jack the Ripper« – das Buch über die Whitechapel-Morde in deutscher Sprache! Von den London-Experten Philipp Röttgers und Dorothee Schröder Mit 118 Abbildungen von

What is the Fourth Dimension? – The concept of the echo in Alan Moore’s ‘From Hell’What is the Fourth Dimension? – The concept of the echo in Alan Moore’s ‘From Hell’
An echo, which calls through time and space and makes sure that certain actions or events repeat themselves or continue, is one of the main topics in Peter Ackroyd’s novel

Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper – Fakt vs. Fiktion in Deutsche Sherlock-Holmes-Gesellschaft | Ausgabe 47 – Winter 2022Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper – Fakt vs. Fiktion in Deutsche Sherlock-Holmes-Gesellschaft | Ausgabe 47 – Winter 2022
My essay “Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper – Fakt vs. Fiktion” is in the Baker Street Chronicle vol. 47, the magazine of the German Sherlock Holmes society.

Casebook: Jack the Ripper Conference 2022Casebook: Jack the Ripper Conference 2022
On Sunday, October 9, 2022, I will give a conference talk at the 2022 Casebook: Jack the Ripper Conference.

Mini Episode: Elva Trill (“Ripper Street”) – Interview at The Ten BellsMini Episode: Elva Trill (“Ripper Street”) – Interview at The Ten Bells
Elva Trill is an Irish actor and musician. She is known for “Ripper Street“, “Line of Duty” and “Starstruck”. She is one of the vocalists of the band The City

Mini Episode: Dominik Scherrer (“Ripper Street”) (Deutsch/German)Mini Episode: Dominik Scherrer (“Ripper Street”) (Deutsch/German)
Dominik Scherrer ist ein 1967 in Zürich geborener britischer Komponist, der viel für Film, Theater und Fernsehen geschrieben hat. Von ihm stammen die Soundtracks zu “Agatha Christie’s Marple”, “Ripper Street”,

Mini Episode: Juan Carlos Medina (“The Limehouse Golem”)Mini Episode: Juan Carlos Medina (“The Limehouse Golem”)
Juan Carlos Medina is a director and writer, known for “Painless“*, “The Limehouse Golem“* “and “A Discovery of Witches“*. Based on the novel “Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem” by

Ghosts of the East End: Jack the Ripper and his victimsGhosts of the East End: Jack the Ripper and his victims
London has many ghosts. Just like any other area, the East End of London is full of tales and legends of apparitions and spectres. Today we are going to look

Mini Episode: Kunjue Li (“Ripper Street”, “Peaky Blinders”)Mini Episode: Kunjue Li (“Ripper Street”, “Peaky Blinders”)
Kunjue Li is an actress and former model. She has a long list of film credits and appeared on several TV shows, among them “Ripper Street”*. Kunjue Li is a